In the public sector we have all been adversely affected by cuts to public sector funding, increasing workloads, longer working hours and a a pay freeze. In our NHS this means more dangerous working conditions which impact on patient care. The government is targeting teachers and the healthcare workers, the junior doctors are only the beginning.
Just this week the Government have announced the forced academisation of schools which represents the wholesale privatisation of the education in Britain, which is detrimental to children and teachers.
Due to the unfortunate failure of the government to offer meaningful negotiations with doctors.
The next date for Industrial Action is Wednesday 6th and Thursday 7th April. We need your support at the picket line!
Doctors will be stationed outside St George's Hospital, on the Blackshaw Road entrance, from 8 am on both days. We are calling on other public sector workers, particularly teachers, to join them between 10.30 and 11.30 on Thursday 7th April, where the Wandsworth NUT will provide coffee and croissants for the pickets and supporters Please try and attend. If you are unable to attend at please send a message of support.
We believe that the doctors fight is a fight for us all. If they are left to stand alone the by the trade union movement, we will all be weakened.
In Solidarity
Sophie Herbert
BMA representative St Georges Healthcare Trust