Latest News
December 2015
GMB object to redevelopment plan for Chelsea Sutton estate over loss of 146 social housing units contrary to borough plan
GMB object to redevelopment plan for Chelsea Sutton estate over loss of 146 social housing units contrary to borough plan
December 2015
GMB to consult members on new two year pay offer for council workers in England, Wales and Northern Ireland
A national meeting of representatives in January will decide union stance on the proposals before giving all members a vote on the offer in a…
October 2015
Tory appointing Lord Adonis paves way for plan to demolish council estates for lower paid workers to make way for expensive housing
Wandsworth Tories have already begun this policy of knocking down council estates as in Roehampton in South West London 600 homes face demolition…
April 2015
GMB call on second anniversary of Bangladesh Rana Plaza disaster for firms yet to pay compensation to do so withough further delays
Call that labour-standard should be improved with free trade unions and repression on workers should be stopped and living wage should be paid…